At L2ESports, we have optimized the Olympics to provide you with a fair competitive experience and benefits that you can obtain if you prove to be the best in your class.
- You can have one active augment and one passive augment, 1+1.
- New Heroes will be announced every Sunday of each week.
- Hero weapons will have dynamically modified stats to ensure their damage aligns with server advancements.
- The hero's crown provides defensive stats.
- To become a hero, you must have participated in 9 battles, out of which 3 must be victories.
Olympiad Games
- The Olympics will take place from 19:00 GMT -3 until 21:00 GMT -3.
- In L2ESports, there are no closed rounds; one round is fought at a time in a completely random manner.
- Skill reuse is reset at the end of each battle.
- "Click bug." In most L2J servers, players can rapidly attack and click forward, causing the character to teleport. We have eliminated this bug in L2ESports.
- We have added to show the registered players on the olimpiad manager mainpage. This will allow you to see the remaining players fighting in the arenas.